Micro Modelling
Artisanry | Technology | Precision
For centuries ship models have been joy and pride of ship-owners, seamen and collectors, be it their own ones, or the ships of their dreams. Ship models are regarded as incarnations of the desire for the sea and they are appreciated as exquisite ornaments both in living rooms and offices. With every single production step we work to create ship models that combine nautical and nostalgic emotions and the highest level of accuracy.
The process of creating a miniature model
Tradition and modern technologies
The production of miniature models of ships in 1:1250 scale is a tradition that has been cultivated for about 100 years. Today, it is continued by only a very small number of model makers around the world. Traditional techniques have been passed on from generation to generation. They underwent constant improvement and, in recent years, were complemented by modern CAD technologies, reaching ever higher standards in quality and accuracy.
The basis for all our models: plans, plans, plans
Each of our Mare Nostrum and Friendship models is based on original plans from the shipyard of the respective vessel. In addition to conventional deck plans we use side elevations and lines plans to perfectly reproduce the hulls. Drawings of armatures ensure that we get even the smallest details right.
Apart from plans we rely on a full photo coverage of the respective ship in order to spot deviations between plans and the real ship.

The master model
The master model is the physical origin of every of our series. It constitutes the very shape that every of the copies will have. Besides being an accurate representation of the real ship, it needs to be built in such a way that a negative mould can be created from which the copies are cast. It has to include considerations of mould extraction, durability of the mould and stability of the castings.
Traditionally, master models are created by hand in a very elaborate and sophisticated process that may take a few weeks to months. In addition to the traditional approach, we also rely on 3d programs which enable us to study shapes and dimensions on the computer screen in advance.
Mould making and casting of models
For the production of our miniature ships we rely both on metal casting, which has been used conventionally throughout the history of 1250 scale ships, and resin casting. Modern resins enable us to reach new levels of accuracy in reproduction, providing crisp copies and sharp edges.
Moulds for metal casting are generally very complex. While their production requires an extensive amount of time and preparatory work they are extremely durable and allow complex undercuts.
Production of resin models is defined by a simpler mould making process, but only a relatively small number of models can be obtained from each mould. Still, resin provides a number of advantages, such as the homogeneity of the material without blowholes and the absolute accuracy in reproduction.

Cleaning and assembly
Each of the obtained castings requires cleaning and potential flash needs to be removed. Especially, the bottom of each models has to be rectified and trimmed according to the correct height of the “waterline”. This rather dusty process is then followed by the assembly of smaller parts that have been cast separately and potential errors or damages are corrected.
The master model
Priming in basic colours
Primer paints are generally applied by using an airbrush. High grade paints used in this process need to have excellent covering abilities and a high durability so they can withstand manipulation by our customers and collectors. Also, they are free from yellowing.
Painting of details
The painting of a miniature model is a very colourful process. A lot of patience and accuracy is required to apply each of the colours by hand. Funnels, decks, life boats and deck gear are fully painted according to images of the real vessel. Understandably, this is the most time consuming step in the production of our miniatures and the painting of a single model seldomly lasts less than one hour. As a consequence, the painting of a series of models takes us more than two weeks to complete.

The process of creating a miniature model
The final touches
To resemble the original ship as closely as possible, in the final steps multiple small details are added on to the models by hand. Among these parts there are decals for the ship’s name and logos. These are designed on the computer using illustration programs and printed on special transfer films. Finally, masts and other parts are added, using wires and photo etched brass.
Once the model is finished a final coating of clear paint is applied in order to seal paints and decals and to achieve a coherent gloss level.
The special packing of our models
For the packing of our models we use special cardboard boxes that are made to exact measures. Models are safely fixed to the bottoms of the boxes and secured with Styrofoam. This ensures that all our products will arrive safely to our dealers and collectors.


For many years I have been attracted by the sea and by seafaring. Cruises and private sailing have always fulfilled me with content and inner peace. Model making has been the central part and passion of my life ever since my early childhood. I was constantly driven by the desire for improvement of my skills and abilities.
Mare Nostrum and Friendship 1250 scale models were founded some 6 years ago. Both series offer highest quality ship models with complementary portfolios.